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Investment strategies may be subject to various types of risks including, but not limited to, market risk, credit risk, and inflation risk.

"Click" Ted to hear him explain how assets are allocated to the various Segments.

How the Model seeks to mitigate risks which can reduce or eliminate one's ability to create income from savings.

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What about inflation?

After a long period of low inflation, rising prices are once again a reality of daily life. The Income for Life Model seeks to keep retirement income on pace with inflation.
To maintain purchasing power if inflation averages 3% for 20-years...
Must Grow to

(C)Copyright 2023 Wealth2k, Inc. All rights reserved. The Income for Life Model is a registered trademark of Wealth2k, Inc.

Matt Wilson and Wealth2k, Inc. are not affiliated.

Securities and Insurance Products offered through (FIRM NAME) and its affiliates, Member FINRA/SIPC. The investment products sold through (FIRM NAME) are not insured, are not FDIC insured. The value of the investment may fluctuate and the return on the investment is not guaranteed, and loss of principal is possible.

The projections or other information generated by The Income for Life Model calculator related to total returns are hypothetical illustrations of mathematical principles that do not predict or project the performance of an investment or investment strategy. The computations of future returns are based upon assumed variables and inputs made directly by the user and does not guarantee future results. Moreover, the computations do not reflect investment costs or taxes, if any.

The Income for Life Model, Hybrid Time-Segmentation and ROI Reliability of Income are registered trademarks of Wealth2k, Inc. Three Big Risks, Constrained Investor, What's My Income, What's Your Income? and Income Floor are trademarks of Wealth2k, Inc. Knowing Your Number is Not the Same as Knowing Your Income is a service mark of Wealth2k, Inc.


Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or a loss. There is no guarantee this model will perform as planned. If the model underperforms, the income levels and assets could be significantly reduced.

Purchase of an annuity contract through a qualified plan does not provide any additional tax-deferral benefits beyond those already provided through the plan. If you are purchasing an annuity contract through a plan, you should consider purchasing it for its death benefit, annuity options, and other non-tax-related benefits

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